
Planetary Processing provides the ability for you to run functions when specific events occur. This is implemented in (optional) the events.lua file in the root directory of your game repository. The default template repository comes with the following events file:

local function on_player_join(player, first)
  print(player.ID.." has joined.")

local function on_player_leave(player)
  print(player.ID.." has left.")

return {on_player_join=on_player_join, on_player_leave=on_player_leave}

This simply causes the server to print out a message when a player joins or leaves. More events are being added constantly, however, currently they are limited to:

Event Name


Called when a player joins the game.

player - this player's entity first - boolean, true if this player has never joined before


Called when a player leaves the game.

player - this player's entity

Note that the Lua environment in use is that of the chunk where the event occurs, so you can still access data like the chunk table.

Last updated